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Old 06-06-2020, 10:59 PM
Topnotchsy Topnotchsy is offline
Jeff Lazarus
Join Date: Dec 2013
Posts: 1,120

Originally Posted by DannyNoonan View Post
So many great lineup cards. Thank you all for sharing!

Jeffrey Lazarus was kind enough to just do a Q&A with me about his collection. You can read it here:

Also, I'm doing some research into the history of lineup cards. I'm trying to find info on when the dugout lineup card entered the mix. Was there one manager or team that created a card separate from the Official Batting Order card for the dugout? From the ones posted here, the oldest I see is 1965. If anyone has any information or suggestions of who to talk to or where to look, please either email me ( or post here. Thank you!


The oldest Dugout lineup card I have is from 1960 (Braves). It's basically just a list of the players on the team in the lineup but does say on top "Duout lineup card". I mostly focus on umpire lineup cards, so I'm not sure whether this represents anything close to the earliest dugout lineup cards, or whether other teams were doing similar at the time.
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