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Old 05-23-2020, 03:05 PM
brian1961 brian1961 is offline
Join Date: May 2009
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Phil, I Googled Billy Martin portraits and several came up that appear promising. I've always liked the early 50s portrait done by Bob Olen, the official Yankees team photographer, which appeared in my Google search. Billy's big smile hides the ferocious lion always ready to leap at World Series time! I'm rather certain this portrait was used in the Yankee sketchbooks, and would need to be colorized, but with your increasing skill, you'll do Billy proud. However, you must strive to find the entire portrait of Billy, which would have been from just above the waist. That Olen portrait would have been terrific on a 1953 or 1954 Stahl-Meyer Franks card! Oh well.

The 1956 Sports Illustrated cover is excellent for a more serious, intense portrait. However, the year is a few years late for what you are striving for.

Wishing you the best. --- Brian Powell
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