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Old 05-19-2020, 04:21 PM
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Howe’s Hunter Howe’s Hunter is offline
Ed McCollum
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Des Moines, Iowa
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2020 started out with Schulte, who came to me from Jeff Throm.

Molesworth came from the recent on-line only REA auction.

It took several years, but with the help of Jeff Throm, I was able to make a trade with Dmitry Drubitsky for his Hindu-back Fritz. Thanks for taking care of him for what I think was four years since first finding out about him, Dmitry, and thanks to Jeff for brokering the deal.

Finally there are four Old Mill-backed Southern Leaguers that were from eBay. I’ve always really liked the Revelle portrait card, and this was the first example I’ve seen that fit my collection.

There have been several that have gotten away. I’ve always known I wouldn’t be able to get them all. But in the last several months, there have been two Hindu-backed Magees sold in one lot at Heritage, a Helm that sold in the same REA auction as the Molesworth that I did win, and sadly, a Unglaub that David Brooks had found and we completed the deal, only to have it lost by the USPS. Finally there is one that just ended on eBay, a Southern Leaguer with a common Piedmont back that went for crazy money. Way beyond what I would have considered it going for.

Again, thanks to everyone on the board for your help in rebuilding the collection. I appreciate all the heads-up messages I get and the emails when you see one in person. With the 40 listed here, the collection stands at 375, with another expected in the mail this week. All with thanks to Net54 board members.
Looking to assemble a complete T206 set with a stamp on the back from Howe McCormick, 500 W. Main St., Gainesville, Fla. Looking for the final 120.

Last edited by Howe’s Hunter; 05-20-2020 at 09:21 AM.
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