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Old 05-03-2020, 08:03 AM
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AustinMike AustinMike is offline
Join Date: Mar 2012
Location: Austin, TX
Posts: 700

Originally Posted by Scott Garner View Post
I've got an extra season ticket stub to Nolan's 5,000thK game with your name written all over it if you ever decide to go there.
If my name is written on it, it must be pretty cheap.

I almost had ticket stubs to Ryan's 300th win. Early in the 1990 season I plotted out when he might be going for number 300 and bought tickets for myself and a friend for 2 games at Arlington. Luckily, the first game happened to be his first shot at 300. So we drove the 3-1/2 hours to see the nightgame on a work day. Unfortunately it was against my favorite team, the Yankees. For the first and only time in my life I was rooting against the Yankees. But, they roughed Ryan up pretty good and he left the game in the 8th inning down by 4. "Well, at least the Yankees are going to win", I thought. No. The Rangers scored 1 in the 8th and 3 in the 9th to tie it. The Rangers eventually won in the 11th. No Ryan 300 win and no Yankees victory. Not my favorite baseball memory.

Then Ryan got #300 in Milwaukee so we had to decide whether we wanted to drive back up to Arlington for his next start. We did hoping to see his 301st win. But, he lost to Toronto. It's funny because I remember him being hit really hard by Toronto but in looking at Baseball Reference, it wasn't nearly as bad as I remember. I guess my jaundiced view has clouded my memory.
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