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Old 04-30-2020, 09:10 AM
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Cliff Bowman Cliff Bowman is offline
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Originally Posted by AustinMike View Post
Okay, let's see if I can dumb this down enough for you and Cliff to understand. You claim the movie says global warming is a hoax. I say it doesn't. Watch it again. When it gets to the part where they say or even hint that global warming is a hoax, pause the movie. Note the time of the movie. Come back here and let us all know at what time in the movie they say, imply, or hint that global warming is a hoax. You can prove me wrong.

The movie does not say global warming is a hoax. Prove me wrong.
You are deflecting. It has nothing to do with if global warming is real or not. The film shows the deceit, greed, and outright lies of millionaires/billionaires Gore, Steyer, Bloomberg, Branson, the Koch Brother, Van Jones, Blood, and others who are using the pipe dream of solar and wind, which are a joke and just a feel good ruse, when in reality the vast majority of their ‘green energy’ is clear cutting beautiful forests. They know what’s going on with biomass and how it is in many ways more damaging than coal and fossil fuels and are looking the other way and profiting off of it. They are all scumbags. Where did I say anything about whether global warming is a hoax? What I said is what the left is doing about it is a scam.
“interesting to some absolute garbage to others.” —- “Error cards and variations are for morons, IMHO.”

Last edited by Cliff Bowman; 04-30-2020 at 09:45 AM. Reason: Missed a word
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