Thread: NSCC Update
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Old 04-18-2020, 05:44 PM
Tyruscobb Tyruscobb is offline
β.Γ.Ҽ.Ո.Ť Ḋ.Ÿ.Σ
Join Date: Jul 2019
Posts: 594

From my understanding, dealers are permitted to cancel and will receive a full refund. If I’m a dealer, this is a no brainer. Why would I incur all the expenses (travel, hotel, food, dealer fees) to set up at a significantly less populated national and risk obtaining the virus (through travel or at the convention)? The economic repercussions are only in the first inning. I don’t see the volume at the national this year. The lower volume does not justify the dealer fees which are based on an anticipated high volume. I predict a lot of dealers will cancel. I suspect a lot of expected attendees have already canceled. Not happening this year.
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