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Old 03-21-2020, 01:33 PM
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D. Bergin D. Bergin is offline
Join Date: Apr 2009
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Originally Posted by Corporal Lance Boil View Post
Or as my wife so well puts it..."You can only call it Quarantine if you are from a certain region of France, otherwise you have to call it sparkling detainment".

I got home from Europe very late last night, after having to drive 7 hours from Newark, as opposed to JFK. Nice $140 cab ride to my car. We finally gave up on TAP airlines (never again) and flew United. TAP was nice to fly on there, lovely crew members and ground staff, but the support was sub-human. Cancelling flights two hours before boarding with everyone in the airport. No phone or email support. Cancelled 3 times.

This virus has been weaponized, politicized, etc. It seems to be the time we live in. I am not going to say anything political at all.

I was just wondering if anyone here had a story similar? I'm under self-quarantine for 14 days, but was able to stop at grocery and liquor stores on the way back with my N95 hospital-fitted mask. Bought out pretty much the whole grocery store, and enough alcohol for mer if I was still in college. Brought the wife wine and rum, because though she rarely drinks, I'm wagering in a week she will.

I'm going to use the next two weeks to actually figure out what I own in terms of baseball cards. I "think" I'm at 71 Ramlys, but have lost my list. I keep finding cards in binders that have value and I've forgotten I own. I may even do housework and work on cutting trails on my property.

Anyway, I'm bored, and stuck here, so I thought I'd just throw it out there.

All the best,


Just wanted to say I dig your Cerebus avatar. I don't think I know anybody personally, besides my own comic book geek of a daughter, who even knows what that is.

Might have to dig back into my graphic novel collection if I get too much free time on my hands in the coming weeks/months.

Me and the family pretty much all work from home at this point, so the self-quarantining part has been logistically do-able. Left the house for the first time in over a week today, to pick up some supplies we had ordered through the local hardware store a couple weeks ago, so the wife could get some yard and gardening projects going.
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