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Old 02-13-2020, 02:27 PM
Arazi4442 Arazi4442 is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2016
Location: Oklahoma
Posts: 453

Thanks, Todd. Maybe "technicality" was a better word choice than "technical error". Either way, without getting into politics, it reminds me of a line from All the President's Men - If you shoot too high and miss, everyone feels more secure

Originally Posted by nolemmings View Post
A "technical error" would not be a decision on the merits and almost certainly would not prevent the action from being re-filed and served, there or elsewhere and upon whomever is appropriate.

A complaint is just that, a series of allegations that can be developed, amended, discarded or supplemented as time passes. It is designed and required to put a defendant on notice of the types of conduct that Plaintiff believes comprise legally recognized claims, so that Defendant is not left guessing as to what it supposedly did wrong. It is not intended to spell out specifically each and every transgression, or comprise "proof" of each matter alleged.
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