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Old 01-16-2020, 02:08 PM
BaltOrioles BaltOrioles is offline
Alan Strout
Join Date: Jan 2019
Location: Maine/Florida
Posts: 825
Default Orioles

Originally Posted by Mark70Z View Post
Day 16 (January 16, 2020 – 016)

Alan (BaltOrioles) is the expert on basically everything Orioles related (programs to include minor league, picture packs, postcards, team issue photos…well, you get the drift; “everything”. In fact it’s even rumored that he was a ball player for a minor league Orioles team. Well, he’s been very generous and helpful when it comes to Orioles items and sent me the two following team issue postcards. They are a 1977 team issue postcard (less green on the bottom right) and a 1978 team issue postcard (more green bottom right). At the time I didn’t even know there was a difference.

Thanks for the kind words. I can't believe all the great items that people are posting. I'm out west visiting the granchildren for a week, so my posts will be a little sporadic. I'll save the minor league story for another time.

For those interested, Mark correctly identified Jonathan Villar as the most recent Orioles player to hit for the cycle. The other two are Aubrey Huff and Felix Pie.
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