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Old 01-05-2020, 07:54 PM
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Fballguy Fballguy is offline
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Default Just wondering...

I must be doing something wrong...

I've been collecting pennants for a long time now...and I haven't really given much thought to this...but it is by far the number one question I get asked when I try to sell one:

Does it have pin holes?

Does anyone really care if a pennant has pin holes? It's SUPPOSED to have them. Is there some arbitrary increment we apply to the value if it doesn't have them? You sure as hell can't tell if a pennant has pin holes unless you look really close. Has anyone the history of pennants not bought one because it had pin holes? I think this each and every time I find myself holding a pennant up to a light to see if it has #$@! pin holes for some worried collector. Who planted this hair brained idea in collectors heads that pennants...god forbid...shouldn't have pin holes?

Missing tassels...I get.

Moth eaten spine...I get.

Ripped/missing tip...I get

Stains...I get

Tears...I get

Cracked graphics...I get

But who cares about #$@! pin holes?

Am I right?

Thanks for indulging me.

PS...If you're worried about pin holes, please stop.
R0b G@@13t
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