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Old 11-17-2019, 09:25 AM
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Originally Posted by tachyonbb View Post
Born in the 40's started collecting in 1955. I used to use any Yankees card as a target for my bb gun and eventually my .22 Must of shot a bunch of mantle cards during my time . Other Yankee cards went between the spokes of my bicycle until i learned how to cut sheet metal which made a much more satisfying sound.
The cards were and education. Living in fly over country and not owning a tv set our only knowledge of the players in the majors came from the cards and the daily paper. I made a notebook with the starting lineup of the Cardinals and their history from the cards. (Omaha was their class "A" western league club until 55 then their "AAA" club in the American Association).
The first set I completed was the 1960 Topps. like many of you, mom threw my collection of 1000's of cards away when i was in college. (She did keep my sophomore English notes from high school in case i would need them in the future.
Many in today's climate could use those notes!

My earliest collecting experiences were in around 1966/7 or so. As previously stated, I don't remember looking for errors but I do remember listening to the Astros on the radio, in the front yard of our sw Houston house, eating sunflower seeds and spitting out the kernels on said front yard. .

Leon Luckey
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