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Old 11-06-2019, 07:59 PM
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Rhotchkiss Rhotchkiss is offline
Join Date: Dec 2016
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I know this eBay seller and that card; I have never done a deal with him (prices always too high). That’s a crappy tactic, but I have actually seen it in real estate, and I have seen it work (back when I practiced law) - my client listed a building for $x, someone offered less, my client countered with an increased price and ultimately they agreed to the original asking price. Dick move, but people do it. In cards and real estate.

Scott, hold tight. You know another a Tinker will come along, and you will get it for less than your offer.

Thanks for sharing the story.

Last edited by Rhotchkiss; 11-07-2019 at 08:08 PM.
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