Thread: frank nagy
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Old 09-04-2019, 09:33 AM
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David Kathman
Join Date: Feb 2015
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Originally Posted by barrysloate View Post
It's interesting how many of the cards pictured here from Nagy's collection ended up in AUTH holders. Did old time collectors not care at all about condition, and whether the card seemed undersized or trimmed? You would think an advanced collector who handled so many cards would have been continually upgrading his sets, and replacing cards that appeared to have problems.
Lionel Carter did that, and so did a couple of other guys, but they were considered oddballs within the hobby. Most collectors didn't care too much about condition except in a very broad sense, and some, such as Buck Barker, didn't care about it at all. (The spiritual ancestors of the OBC guys.) Here is an article about card conditions that Carter wrote for the April 1973 Ballcard Collector, with some observations that were ahead of their time in many ways.

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