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Old 08-07-2019, 06:41 AM
benjulmag benjulmag is offline
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Originally Posted by drcy View Post
Some people are saying "PSA will do this," "Registry will do that."

However, if the FBI and criminal prosecutions involving false grading are involved, the question will be how much say will PSA and Registry people in it? PSA may hope "Let's hope it all just blows over and people accept altered cards," and Registry people may say the same. However, if the FBI says these altered cards and the selling thereof (as non-alerted) is a criminal offense, and all these misgraded cards in the Registry are products of criminal or whatever behavior, PSA and Registry won't be able to just ignore it-- certainly not at resale time and grading time.

I think their hands will be forced.

At the least, the altered cards will have to be overtly labelled as altered (How the hobby prices those then is another matter), and PSA will have to address the altered cards. PSA will not be allowed to "whistle by the graveyard" or "grandfather clause" all their past mistakes . . . As I said in previous post, what does PSA now do when altered cards are resubmitted for grading? The now know many are altered, and the now know the FBI is involved. And what does the hobby as a whole now do, with so many people who resubmit cards hoping for a better grade? This all changes things a lot, and not in a way that PSA will be fond of.

I firmly believe that PSA will have to address in serious fashion all the altered cards that they misgraded-- and there a ton of them, involving lots of $$ and a boatload of card owners, including wealthy Registry folk, who aren't going to be happy when their cards are addressed in serious fashion. Tell me how this isn't a problem, or at least a conundrumm (including in a legal sense), for PSA and Registry set owners?
The points you raise are prescient, and at the National I had conversations with the FBI about them. The discussion centered around a business model that cannot detect expertly done alterations, yet attracting business by giving prospective customers the impression that it can. At the very least PSA should be required to give a warning about the limitations of the services it provides, much the same way, say, cigarette manufacturers have to include a warning about the health dangers of smoking. Unless, though, PSA felt they would be exposed to criminal liability by not providing such a disclosure, I would think legislation would be required to accomplish it.

I don't know what if any impact the current FBI involvement will have on PSA, but I can say that based on my discussions with the FBI, I got the impression that they seem well aware of the limitations of the PSA business model.

Last edited by benjulmag; 08-07-2019 at 07:41 AM.
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