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Old 07-31-2019, 08:38 PM
Fuddjcal Fuddjcal is offline
Chuck Tapia
Join Date: May 2009
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Originally Posted by Peter_Spaeth View Post
When it's all over, I think you'll find at least 100-200 guys in on this, maybe more. It's a great cottage industry. I heard about the whispers years ago and didn't want to believe this could be done. The 1 little thing we needed PSA to do was to tell us if the cards were altered and they can't even do that. They are in on the gag.

It's so rampant it's actually very funny that they had us believing this BS this long. Ask yourself where were all these 10's growing up? That's right, they are made after the fact and sealed in a stupid plastic holder, to be cracked out and fucked with again at a latter date. ALL OF THEM. In and out they spin by assholes that can't just leave well enough alone. Losers that couldn't figure out a real career so they thought they would just scam people. The lowest form of human scum, IMHO. This is the biggest scam since tulip bulbs.

Keep up the great work Super Dan, Corndog and Agent 312. Never Stop. Continue to show the people what's really going on. Hundreds of thousands cards and a billion dollars skimmed in 15 years by my abacus.

Last edited by Fuddjcal; 07-31-2019 at 08:53 PM.
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