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Old 07-29-2019, 11:17 AM
Fuddjcal Fuddjcal is online now
Chuck Tapia
Join Date: May 2009
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Originally Posted by Rhotchkiss View Post
But can’t we keep that bluntness for the threads about what’s going on and leave the benign threads to their topic??!!

The OP asked a legit question - has anyone ever seen Hall’s whole t206 collection. Not to see if the cards are trimmed or overgraded, but bc it is hands-down the greatest collection of varied T206 cards ever assembled. It’s an amazing feat/collection and, on its own, worthy of discussion, especially considering it is being broken up and sold.

Some of us want to still talk about and enjoy cards. We didn’t do anything wrong! We are angry too, but we still love cards and want to talk about them. Can’t people respect that, and not hijack every thread with anger and all caps and devolve it into the same thing that is already being discussed plenty of places elsewhere?

I mean come on.... I am not trying to minimize anything. I am just asking that we don’t make everything, especially benign card threads, about how much PSA and PWCC suck.
I hear what you're saying, you love cards. That's the difference between us and the reason you'd like me to shut up about PWCC and Brent Mastro.

Unfortunately for you, I won't shut up about it. They cheated on me and I kicked the M effer's OUT.

That's the difference between us. Cards cheated on you and you still love them. Good for you. I effin hate them. You cheat & you're dead to me. Just like baseball cards.... Dead to me. I'm out of love with them.

Now go get brow beat by your wife and hope she doesn't cheat on you too....But you're IN LOVEEEEEEEEEEEE.
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