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Old 07-05-2019, 08:25 PM
Flintboy Flintboy is offline
Br1an N0Iff
Join Date: Aug 2009
Posts: 309
Default If the TPG’s did their job....

If the TPG’s did their job would any of this be an issue right now? Don’t get me wrong, I despise a card doctor more than anyone on this board but if the grading companies simply did their job, we wouldn’t have this problem in the hobby right now. I feel like most on this board want to blame the auction houses, but the bottom line is it at the end of the day the TPG’s didn’t do their job.

When they keep your cards for MONTHS on end and pretty much are dismissive when you inquire about any of their processes, a red flag should have gone up for me. Supposedly three graders are to grade a card before it gets assigned a grade. If that is true, than this hobby is in bigger trouble than we all thought. Please do not give me the excuse that it’s an “opinion” by the companies. If they are charging top dollar to grade these cards with a guarantee, than what has happened here is absolutely inexcusable on their part.

In my experience, if anyone is thinking law enforcement is going to take any action, you will be disappointed.

Just my 2cents....
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