Thread: Technology
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Old 06-27-2019, 01:45 PM
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Tripredacus Tripredacus is offline
Join Date: Nov 2015
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Posts: 332

The tools for doing that type of work certainly exists. What likely doesn't is the real need for such a thing. Besides the fact that someone would need to create the software, there is also the data storage requirements. A grading company may not think there would be a need to purchase $100,000 worth of computers and hire multiple software developers to create, maintain and support what would be a proprietary system.

Before you even get to that point, someone would have to create a PoC to prove that this type of technology is, beyond a doubt, an improvement over whatever method is currently being used.

It may just come down to the fact that it may not be worth the time and effort to put in such a system, unless it would be a vast improvement.
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