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Old 06-24-2019, 11:12 PM
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Domer05 Domer05 is offline
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Originally Posted by bocca001 View Post
I have two copies of the pennant and both have relatively short tassels. It looks like the Astros pennant has short tassles as well. I had wondered if the bright pink hat on the Giants pennant suggested that it might be WGN (as discussed in Kyle's blog), but I'm not sure. It doesn't seem like an exact match.
My opinion: These are ALL Trench-made pennants. By 1965, when that Astros pennant was made, WGN had ceased using any tassels on their pennants. And although WGN was definitely into that Day-Glo color palette by the mid-1960s, when they used it, they seemed to have used it throughout the totality of the artwork, using no less than three fluorescent colors. Here that pink is merely being used to add a little pop to the artwork.

Everything else seems pretty consistent with Trench's M.O., even the lettering.

I've never seen this horizontal batter before, however. Nor the variant with the speed lines.
For more information on pennant makers, visit: ; then .
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