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Old 06-20-2019, 08:51 PM
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Sean McGinty
Join Date: Aug 2016
Location: Japan
Posts: 504

My wife has zero interest in my hobby and I don't discuss how much I spend on it or any other details really.

I do work on an honor system though. We have a dog, which I had zero interest in getting but she really wanted. We spend a fair amount on food, grooming, vet visits, kennel stays when we go out of town, etc on the dog.

A few years ago she did ask me why I spent time and money on cards. I pointed out that it was my hobby, much like having a dog was hers, and pointed out that my cards didn't bark at her or crap on the floor.

She never asked me about it again, but in the interest of parity and fairness I try to keep my card collecting budget at about the same as what we spend on the dog.

Off topic question but just out of curiousity: this thread is all predicated on the assumption that we are all husbands with wives (which seems mostly accurate). Are there any female collectors on here who have the same issue with their husband (ie wife is card collector, husband has no interest)?
My blog about collecting cards in Japan:
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