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Old 06-19-2019, 05:38 AM
cubman1941 cubman1941 is offline
Jim Boushley
Jim Bou.shley
Join Date: Dec 2014
Location: Kingsport Tennessee
Posts: 1,378

My wife is not a sports person. When we got married (second for both) and combined households she knew I had boxes full of baseball "stuff" After 25 years and 3 moves I finally had a room again I could call my own and display some of my baseball and football collection. To this day she knows i am a Cub guy and that is that. I have instructions in our will whom to call to dispose of my collection. She is "proud" to tell people that I have a large "collection" but that is the extend of her knowledge. She never questions any purchase I make and, when we go to flea markets and antique malls, she will even ask if I saw this glove or that bat. The only player she knows and likes is Cal Ripken, Jr because when lived in Baltimore she would to to ball games with me. That was during his streak year so his name was prominent. Every year for Christmas she will buy me a blaster box or two and I say "Thank you", open them and promptly give them all away.
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