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Old 06-17-2019, 01:35 AM
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Domer05 Domer05 is offline
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Posts: 411

Originally Posted by ooo-ribay View Post
As always, Kyle, amazing “sleuthing.” I sincerely appreciate your efforts.....although I suspect you get a great deal of satisfaction out of it. I think we all enjoy solving our little mysteries.

As for the photo attachment....I think Net54 is one of the EASIEST sites when it comes to photos. For whatever reason, I am never plagued by the small and/or sideways pictures others experience. Are you on a real computer or your phone? I’ve had no problems with either, but 90% of the time I am using my desktop computer. Anything from 50 kb to <2 mb usually uploads to the same ~80 kb size. Plus, I like the “preview post” button to get a, duh, preview.
I sincerely appreciate anyone that cares about these little mysteries. I'm glad you two enjoy my answers.

Sooooooo, did we solve anything here? Anyone feel good about St. Louis Button Co.? Prior to last night, I knew nothing of them ... wasn't even sure they were in St. Louis, MO. Now, it's looking like a pretty good answer, to me anyway. I certainly can't come up with a better one; but, I'm certainly no Browns or Cards expert; and pinbacks are not my thing.

In my experience, many makers of pinbacks made other novelty items, including felt pennants. These were considered "complementary goods" and usually sold side by side. ASCO, WGN, and WinCraft all made both products for a period of time. So, it's completely logical to assume St. Louis Button Co. did, too. However, without a maker's mark from them on a felt pennant; or a vintage catalogue or advertisement referencing their felt pennants, we can only speculate.

Here's some more info on 20th century button manufacturers, including St. Louis Button Co., if you scroll down a bit:

There's a cool product catalogue displayed in the above piece from the company. I'm sure if they made pennants when it was printed, it would indicate so along with all the other novelty items they made....

As to my picture attachment woes ... I give up. I spend more time trying to attach a clear, legible image on my N54 posts than in research and writing. I think the files are too big, and it's either shrinking them or else not letting me attach them.
For more information on pennant makers, visit: ; then .
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