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Old 06-15-2019, 07:37 AM
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Leon Leon is offline
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Feel the same way. I see stuff he has which I am interested in and just will not buy from him or even communicate with him. I truly think he is a psycho.

ps....I should add, I actually don't have a big problem with him asking whatever he wants to for the card. Maybe he thought it was worth 4x what he paid. But he is not someone I would ever want to deal with. If he was a cool seller I would make an offer if I still wanted it and it was way overpriced. I have bought quite a few things where I made +/-50% offers and they were accepted.

Originally Posted by x2drich2000 View Post
I know what you mean, just forget about it. He has 1 card I need that he outbid me on probably 2 or 3 years ago. Unfortunately for me, this is the only copy that has come up for sale in probably the last 5-10 years. I thought I was a bit crazy bidding over $1k for the card. He now has it listed for between $2k-3k at different times. Obviously, I'm still waiting for another copy to show up. He's also sent me offers to buy stuff which I've always declined. I would have taken the offer from someone else but I've chosen not to deal with him.
Leon Luckey

Last edited by Leon; 06-15-2019 at 07:45 AM.
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