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Old 06-13-2019, 05:58 PM
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Originally Posted by robw1959 View Post
Sorry, but I'm not with you on this. Any comparison of anyone to Nazis other than true historical Nazis and their modern counterparts like skinheads and white supremacists really waters down the definition of a Nazi. And I don't think the term should be broadened and bandied about and used like a big club to verbally hit people whom you don't agree with over the head.
Well the actors are portraying Nazis, are they not? It just happens to be comedic rather than of a serious nature. Think "The Producers" and "Inglorious Bastards". And ironically I actually happen to agree with the characters portrayed in this video parody.

But that said... I am sorry if this offended you. I am half Jewish, and thought it was clever. A very similar video was made to parody the Fake Signed T206 Cards, and it got about a dozen times the response, with no negative comments that I can recall.

Last edited by perezfan; 06-13-2019 at 06:00 PM.
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