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Old 06-12-2019, 01:05 PM
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Originally Posted by LOUCARDFAN View Post
With the amount of re-coloring that has taken place on many of these cards, it just proves that PSA's graders are either truly inept in performing PSA's main objective of being in business or they are conspiring along with the card doctors and Brent.

One thing I do wonder is will Brent have security with him if he shows up at this years National Convention? I would say it would be in his best interest to do so as I am sure there are plenty of people out there that would love to do him bodily harm. He seems to have that kind of face that makes you want to punch it and that was before everything went down with

PSA would probably be wise to have extra security as well as I can see this being a very entertaining show this year.
We keep saying that the word must get out beyond these forums, for any real positive change to happen. Otherwise all of our complaints and pleas for change remain futile. What better venue than The National, to spread word of the deep-seeded corruption?

I will join the cause if anyone else wants to picket or protest right in front of the PSA or PWCC Booth. I personally suggest PSA, as it would be further reaching, and will have a greater impact on cleaning up the hobby. Perhaps just an hour at each Booth... Nothing too time-consuming, as I know we'd all rather be walking the Show (and enjoying it).

To be taken seriously, I would imagine we would need 20 people or more... I think if it's less than 10, it won't have the desired impact. We might be dismissed as a few random wackos. And absolutely no "bodily harm" or physical threats of any kind. We'll need to be taken seriously, or PSA/PWCC will once again portray themselves as "Victims".

I know a few others will be distributing the Moser/Orlando/Huigens Cards. Let's draw some much-needed attention to this scandal... Reporters are always present at the National. If anything is to change, this is perhaps the best chance to make some news, and get the word out to a wider audience (beyond the forums).

On another positive note... When you simply Google Search the name "Brent Huigens", the #2 link that comes up is an article on the current scandal. Now that's progress!
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