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Old 06-02-2019, 10:18 AM
griffon512 griffon512 is offline
Join Date: Jan 2010
Posts: 368
Default "Sandy Hoax" Are you serious?

Originally Posted by t206madman View Post
I wouldn't count on the FBI or police doing anything positive for us. Over the last decade or so, I've learned how corrupt our government is. WTC 7 was hidden from the masses when it collapsed in 2001, sandy hoax, fake shootings, fake propaganda to take our gun rights away. The Feds and FBI are in on all these deceptions.

These big companies work with the governments and federal authorities to deceive us, so don't count on them being of any help. They all cover their own asses with lies and deceptions. I don't trust the governments and I don't trust freemasons.
"Sandy Hoax." 26 people died in that elementary school shooting, including 20 kids between 6-7 years old. If you are going to write disgusting conspiracy theory BS find another site for it. That's probably the worst thing I've ever seen written on this board.
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