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Old 05-19-2019, 08:32 PM
iowadoc77 iowadoc77 is offline
Join Date: Dec 2013
Location: Iowa
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Originally Posted by sreader3 View Post
My son graduated from USC in three years and, even better, he has an amazing job that he starts in July! Oh--and I have two kids. My daughter just blew me away with her SAT score so I won't have to use the "side door" for her either and pay half a million to get her in somewhere. And I live in Colorado so get to use its awesome hiking trails every day. Life is good.

All kinds of awesomeness! Life is good! Always stuff to complain about but I love hearing these good stories. Congrats to you and your kids. Colorado rocks.
Seeking Type 1 photos especially Ruth
I still love the hobby
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