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Old 05-10-2019, 12:27 PM
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Robert Williams
Join Date: Aug 2009
Location: North Carolina
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Originally Posted by pclpads View Post
I fully realize 20-23% vig is now - and has been - the new normal in auctions. That said, unless the item being auctioned is something I'd willingly cut off my left one to win, I'm out of there. I personally think it is owing to pure greed on the part of AH's. What other reason could it be? Even at 15% vig, they are still making $$$. AH's know they have a captive audience, so, "let's really put the screws to the winners!" Those who piss and moan - like me! - are likely in the minority.
No...these guys make a mint...they charge consignors between 10-20% (I know this to be true, as I have consigned with them), and then charge the buyers 23%. So added together, that is quite a healthy premium. Granted, putting out and mailing out those books ain't cheap. Traveling to shows to round up consignments isn't cheap. Just an long as they got customers and consignors, it is what it is.
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