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Old 04-08-2019, 09:40 AM
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Larry More.y
Join Date: Nov 2011
Posts: 2,001

Thank you all for your responses, I appreciate them. My intent was not to "out" this member, but to make sure I was not "falling out of the loop" after dealing with him and to see if it might be worthwhile to reach out to him via this site in a private message. I am not going to drop to his level and attempt to extort any resolution on my end by threatening to reveal him and post screen grabs of the messages exchanged. Unless he posts something in regards to this thread or our transaction, his identity will remain unknown publically. Maybe he will read this, maybe he won't, but I would be astonished if he does read this that he takes any responsibilities for his actions. He has been inactive on this site for more than a month.

After an ebay CSR viewed the messages that were exchanged, almost all of the feedback was removed and I was encouraged to "report" the guy. So I did, maybe it will help someone else down the road. Unfortunately, these days when dealing with someone who I feel may cause a concern down the road, the messages I send are clear and concise and offer little ambiguity so that any third party that may later view the messages will have little doubt as to where the problem lies.

Jim is correct, he likely will have his own perception of the situation. I tend to look at things from a rational point of view where it appears based on his behavior he takes more of an emotional point of view of things, so there would no doubt be two different viewpoints of this situation. I clearly did not meet his expectations as irrational as they may have been to me. He is probably upset too because he received only one of the two promotions I offer. He did not receive the second promo because he failed to follow the directions about how to check out with the promo's qualified items . Beforehand, I sent him a link to the qualified items and at the top of each qualified item's listing are directions on how to checkout and receive the stated discount. At some point, if a buyer makes a mistake on their end when checking out, they need to accept responsibility for their error. Even though he made the mistake checking out (and accepted no responsibility for it), I was aware of his intent and offered some compensation for his error, which he refused. Apparently the offer was not enough.

Collecting/selling/trading sports cards is supposed to be an exciting time for those who participate in the hobby. As a collector first, I look forward to this hobby as a break from reality and I try to treat others the way I would like to be treated. I have made countless friends through this hobby which adds even more to the enjoyment.

Trying to extort a discount from a seller, not taking responsibility for my own mistakes are not how I treat others and certainly do not expect to be treated this way by others. After many years, and many transactions, I have dealt with very, very few people who have exhibited this type of behavior. The few people who behave this way take away from other's enjoyment of this hobby. I certainly would not have been involved in this hobby for 40 years if I had to deal with this type of behavior on any sort of regular basis.

For now, since no one mentioned contacting him, I will leave the situation as is and move on. Back to enjoying the hobby.
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