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Old 03-29-2019, 09:15 AM
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ramram ramram is offline
Join Date: May 2009
Posts: 1,265

Agreed - take what you can. That's why I collect team scorebooks that include negro league teams, amongst others. Great history in them and not a lot of competition in collecting them...unlike most other negro league items.

Rob M

This is the official Shibe Park scorebook from 1945/46 that include the home games of the Philadelphia Athletics, Phillies and the negro league Philadelphia Stars team. Other negro league teams rented out the park as well. Teams included the Stars, Memphis Red Sox, Chicago American Giants, Baltimore Elite Giants, NY Black Yankees and Newark Eagles are all in the book.

(5) Baltimore Elite Giants.jpg

The earliest I have containing an African-American team is an 1895 Hagerstown minor league team scorebook that includes three barnstorming games against the Cuban Giants with Frank Grant.

Turd Ferguson "it’s a funny name"
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