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Old 03-27-2019, 08:36 AM
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Default Thanks--

--to everyone that replied! I kinda' quit checking back 'cause for a while there were no responses, but this flurry of views seem to have the answers--you just have to find the guy that looks for this sort of thing!

Ben--Your statement:
You have never seen them listed because they are basically worthless.
---I don't quite agree with! I listed them because I'd never seen these 2 listed & was very curious to see if I had a real rarity! I wouldn't have been too surprised if they went right away, which is why I apparently overpriced them. Anyhow, one would never know until he put them out there!

Thanks again to all for helping me out, I appreciate it!

I've learned that I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy it.
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