Thread: March Pick Up
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Old 03-06-2019, 08:08 AM
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Originally Posted by Kzoo View Post
I mostly collect baseball stuff, but I'm always on the lookout for cool open wheel racing stuff, as well.

This firesuit came up for auction locally, as it was part of the collection of the late Scott Brayton and his dad Lee. I couldn't believe it was available for bid!! Gordon Johncock is a Michigan native and 2-time Indy 500 winner.

The tough part was that I couldn't make it to the live auction 2 weeks ago, as I was about 3 hours away at my son's hockey tournament. Thankfully, a close friend went for me and I couldn't be happier.

I'm guessing that it's from the late 60's to early 70's, but I haven't found an exact photo match. It shows good wear and has the right 'look'. Johncock is still alive at age 82 and lives about 4 hours from me. I'll probably send him a letter and picture asking if he can date it more accurately. I'd love to get it signed, but I have reservations about mailing it to him, even if he would agree to signing it.

That’s cool, alright. Maybe you could take a day to drive over and have him sign it in person (assuming he is amenable).
if you can help with SF Giants items (no cards), let me send you my wantlist!
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