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Old 03-05-2019, 08:10 PM
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Howard Chasser
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Default SOme thoughts/questions

Originally Posted by Leon View Post
After a 20+ minute phone call yesterday the OP was banned, unfortunately, due to registration violations. On the phone he could not provide a way to positively ID himself. He told me he knew no one in the hobby, didn't bid on ebay or with any auction house. It was quite an uncomfortable call in that I repeatedly told him all I need to do is be comfortable with who he says he is. He never could or would provide that info. Very strange. Some folks think it could be Peter Nash.....and that could open up a whole nuther bag of worms. In reality he could be who he says he is but too many things didn't add up. Late last night another piece of info was revealed that makes me believe Manny could be Manny....but everything just doesn't add up. We ended the call politely with me telling him I wasn't satisfied with who he says he is. Good bye... understanding, from a reliable source, is the investigation is ongoing as of yesterday....

1 - Interestingly coincidental that the dialogue took place yesterday and this thread was revived today. What Leon, if you can/are willing to share - prompted the conversation last night?
2 - I am a little mixed on this one. On one hand I understand and fully support the transparency the "name policy" provides. On the other hand, the facts that have been presented here still stand. I read the whole thread a while back, and don't recall Manny directly accusing anyone - just stating/sharing the facts.
3 - With the scope and money involved in this, I would be a bit hesitant to be too visible if I were the one who outed it.
4 - Another question Leon- you stated Manny couldn't prove who he was, but that you spoke for a bit - did he express any reason why he couldn't/wouldn't - do you have any suspicion about some
thing being factually off in what has been presented in this thread?
5 - As has been said a few times - a shame to lose someone who stuck his neck out to expose this.
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