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Old 01-18-2019, 11:04 AM
steve B steve B is offline
Steve Birmingham
Join Date: Sep 2009
Location: eastern Mass.
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Originally Posted by AGuinness View Post
You guys are really hitting at home with the Red Sox players...

I have found my opinions on team/players to be an interesting dichotomy: on one hand, I really appreciate value and economic efficiency and I enjoy looking at how teams are effectively built and the value of getting a player on a good contract; on the other hand, I think the players are the game, so to speak, and deserve every penny they can get.
The current system seems to be in place to keep costs down, so I don't begrudge any player - from Mike Trout and Mookie to any Quad-A guy or player heading to Japan or Kyler Murray - from trying to get as much as they can before their time is up on the playing field. In the end, I want to see the great talent on the field, even though I appreciate how teams are constructed, etc.

For me the Red Sox thing is mostly because that's the team I follow. Daubach was a favorite of many people, and to my thinking he got jerked around a lot. Of course it's always possible the owners knew something the fans couldn't, like a lingering health problem or something like that. They have moved a few players who haven't done all that well later on.

There were other players treated the same way during that time, from many teams, even future hall of famers.

The previous Red Sox owners were worse, they hurt the team for years by basically ignoring the draft and making things difficult for the plyers they drafted. One year they had a high pick, the guy before and after him got signing bonuses in the six figures, the offer to their draftee? 5000. he wouldn't sign despite the probability that he wouldn't get much more being picked lower the next season, if at all and said he'd never play for the team.

I figure the value of a player to the team businesswise, is also partly the merchandising. I don't know enough about how the pay for that happens exactly, but I do know the team gets a cut of the licensing.
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