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Old 01-08-2019, 06:53 PM
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Rhotchkiss Rhotchkiss is offline
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Because, I have nothing better to do....

I think the first five should be the inaugural HOF Class:

1. Ruth
2. Cobb
3. Wagner
4. Johnson
5. Mathewson

Then, not necessarily in this order

6. Young
7. Jackson
8. Plank
9. Speaker
10. Hornsby
11. Mack
12. Lajoie
13. Anson
14. E. Collins
15. Foxx
16. McGraw
17. Keeler
18. Tinker
19. Evers
20. Chance
21. Baker
22. Bender
23. H Wright
24. M Brown
25. Chase
26. Kelly
27. Comiskey
28. Alexander
29. Walsh
30. Joss
31. Crawford
32. Wheat
Bunch of people who started in the 20’s and maybe others from before 1900

54. Gehrig

Last edited by Rhotchkiss; 01-08-2019 at 07:16 PM. Reason: Replace Matty for Young at 5
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