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Old 12-17-2018, 05:59 AM
Marchillo Marchillo is offline
St3phen M@rchillo
Join Date: May 2017
Posts: 693

Originally Posted by Daveyc View Post
First of all, I never said they authenticate everything. But I witnessed jimmie himself, and his "authentication" process. He passed everything I WITNESSED him look at, and only spent mere seconds on each item and very casually at that. They do pass EVERYTHING put in front of them at live signing events and they DO NOT witness the signings. He often would be conversing with the client as he was "authenticating" I saw at least one team ball he did this with. Wouldn't you agree that at the least the "authenticator" and client shouldn't be face to face during the process? I have watched this on more than one occasion.

As for their post signing "authentication" process, that is a joke and could be seen as indicative as to how seriously they take authentication in general. If Jimmie himself is this cavalier in public, imagine how that place runs behind closed doors.

A word of advice. Maybe you should know what you are talking about before you denigrate others. I have witnessed this process first hand, it appears you have not, but are placing blind faith in the process, probably because you have some skin in the game.
David -

I believe what you are saying because your description of the MAB show is 100% accurate. I’m sure (hopeful) a little more scrutiny goes into the process when items are sent in. But witnessing these types of things certainly cast doubts.
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