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Old 12-10-2018, 09:36 PM
Bram99 Bram99 is offline
Tony S.ti.ns.a
Tony Stins.a
Join Date: Nov 2010
Location: Elmhurst, IL
Posts: 380
Default My issue

Originally Posted by bobbyw8469 View Post
That's what I'm saying...cause I if I can't sell on here and get what items are worth...and can't sell on Ebay, and get what Items are worth....what is left??? Are we FORCED to use PWCC? Is that what has become of small time collectors? Cause it sure seems like it.

It seems that you may just like your own cards more than the world does.

I find that my cards are my most favorite ones, other than cards for sale whose prices are too high for me to pull the trigger and buy them. You are an admitted collector and that probably makes you less objective than a dealer.

My issue with selling on eBay is that I can’t decide to do it. I keep buying things with an intention to sell and wind up deciding to keep the cards even if I have the cards already. Do you exhibit any of these traits? You may just be a collector.

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