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Old 12-01-2018, 10:17 AM
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SAllen2556 SAllen2556 is offline
Scott All.en
Join Date: Nov 2013
Location: Detroit
Posts: 614

Boy, I thought everyone who collects sports stuff, especially autographs would have read "Operation Bullpen". That book is the "Scared Straight" book for anyone who ever considered collecting an autograph. This current wave of fraud would not surprise anyone who ever read that book.

Secondly, I wonder if law enforcement doesn't care because of the nature of the hobby. Rich guys paying thousands of dollars for autographs of people that 99% of the public never even heard of. Who wants to spend precious resources defending these guys? If they can afford to spend the money, then they can afford to deal with the risk. Seems like it's very important that this hobby police itself. So my sincere thanks to all who have exposed this.
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