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Old 11-29-2018, 10:25 PM
Jasonxmay Jasonxmay is offline
Join Date: Nov 2011
Posts: 286

I’m in an interesting position because I am the poor guy who bought the Frank Baker, but I bought it from REA in the Fall of 2015 for $9,000. I then consigned it to REA last month and some other poor guy bought it for $24,000. I don’t expect that I will end up representing anyone in regard to this issue, but if you’d like to email me the information as a way to insulate yourself I don’t mind being the person responsible for releasing it publicly. My email address is: I’ll consider your email to be an attorney-client communication so I will need you to expressly authorize me to disclose the user name since your communication with me would be privileged.

Originally Posted by painthistorian View Post
Jason- are you representing any of these clients that are being swindled...? I will provide the e bay ID name and the backup e bay paperwork verification for the hobby's sake, but not on a public forum, if you are actively going to represent one of the buyers, especially the poor guy that bought the Baker signed, plmk.
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