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Old 11-03-2018, 02:49 PM
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Larry More.y
Join Date: Nov 2011
Posts: 2,001

In my case, I find using both models (price low, turn quick/price higher/sell slower) in conjunction with one another works best.

What I mean by this is when I am listing a card that their is a vast supply of already on ebay, I price slightly below the "market price" in order to turn the card over quickly. When I buy, I buy with the intent of selling these types of card at a low margin, but with a quick turn. I am will to accept lower margin on these cards with the intent of selling quickly.

When I list a card where there is a low supply on ebay, I price these cards slightly higher than what the market will normally bring with the intent of maximizing my profit. While these cards don't turn as quick, they do eventually sell (6-8 months) and I am able to recognize some additional profit.

While the majority (80%/20%) of the cards I list are quick turn/low margin, I still manage to turn my inventory 4.5 times a year and realize a profit that meets my needs.

So, depending on the existing availability of the card I am listing, I use one of these two models. IMO, both models are effective depending on the situation.

Last edited by savedfrommyspokes; 11-03-2018 at 02:51 PM.
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