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Old 10-29-2018, 01:03 PM
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Luke Lyon
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Originally Posted by Michael Peich View Post
Hi, Brian,

Thank you, as always, for the transparency and concern for the service you provide. I can only imagine what a nightmare the slow server situation was for you, your staff, fellow bidders, and consignors. While I cannot speak for others, I can speak for myself and report that when I called REA and spoke with Bob, he was patient, considerate, and concerned that I and others were having problems. He explained what he could and did everything in his power to help me, and I presume others. I know that the rest of the staff extended the same courteous assistance to others as Bob did with me.

My only disappointment is learning that some folks were disrespectful and hateful in their emails/calls to the office. That kind of behavior has no place in this arena, something we call a hobby. I am sorry you and the staff had to endure other people's bad behavior.

Well said. I couldn't agree more.
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