Thread: REA fun!
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Old 10-29-2018, 08:51 AM
rlorenz rlorenz is offline
Join Date: Feb 2017
Posts: 57

I have the most upmost respect for REA...but after all that went on last night and the fact that the issues here on the west coast where quite horrible i just walked away from my computer and just gave up on the auction after multiple hours of trying to bid. These issues ran for a good part of the afternoon. and to be honest i figure REA and the Consignor lost out on 5-10k in additional income.

The argument could be made that i should just put my top bid from the get go...but lets be honest that is not the way that I personally run auctions. So this is on me. But hind site....knowing that these issues effected people for more than just a few hours. They should extended the bidding by one full day.

I am sure if you tack on my bids in addition to all of the others REA lost out (PURE GUESS) to be really clear atleast 100-150k in additional income. But that is just a pure guess i am throwing a number out there...

But it happens...there will always be another auction but REA should change its policies where if there are major website issues that last longer than X they should allow for a full day extension. It only benefits them and the Consignor and ironically the bidders that really want the item.

Just my two cents right or wrong.

And did anyone see that 59 Aaron psa 8 for 900$ ~ something tells me someone either miss bid or the website was causing bidding issues
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