Thread: Rea
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Old 10-07-2018, 06:51 PM
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Originally Posted by kailes2872 View Post
It always feels like a drunken bender in Vegas when I put my initial bids in. When I look at the amount for items I'm winning, I gulp, wipe the perspiration off the top of my forehead and then root for a few of my bids to be topped.

A couple of days later when I am still the top, I start thinking about what cash is liquid, what I would need to pull from investments, and of course, how I break it to my wife. I then go into this crazy rationalization that says "well, if I get those cards for this price, I will gladly pay it!"... when then gets me back to the conversation with the MRS and how much hell there will be to pay if I win everything.

This then leads to 99% of the bids eventually being topped and usually 2-3x the amount that I put in. The auction eventually closes with me either being shut out or winning one item that was probably at the bottom of the list (or something that I already had but I thought it was a good deal) and I bemoan my floor bids not holding up.

One day, I will not go through this cycle, but, alas, it is my 2x a year (soon to be 3x) REA experience...
You absolutely nailed it. I thought it was just me.

Originally Posted by Rhotchkiss View Post
You most definitely do not see many “bargains”, but you can pick up many “keepers”
So true, Ryan!

Last edited by CW; 10-07-2018 at 06:52 PM.
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