Thread: Imagine if...
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Old 09-16-2018, 06:26 PM
barrysloate barrysloate is offline
Barry Sloate
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Brooklyn, NY
Posts: 8,293

Although I support Kaepernick's right to protest, I've never believed that all the white cops who've killed African Americans are racist. It's pointless to say that, and impossible to lump all these incidents together as if they were all the same. Every incident is individual and consists of different sets of circumstances. Is it possible that some white cops are racist? Of course it is. But to lump them all together is a poor and incorrect reading of the events.

The one thing I see linking them is poor decision making under very stressful circumstances, by the cops and the defendants alike. Both sides see the real possibility that their lives are in danger, and I don't believe that people can always do that right thing under those circumstances. Maybe cops need a little more training in that area, I don't know. And many of the defendants do really stupid things, such as reaching into their cars or pockets when they are told to freeze. It's an awful situation for anyone to be in, and very difficult to navigate.

But to say all white cops are racists is plainly false. You simply can't lump all of these incidents together without the facts.
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