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Old 09-13-2018, 09:05 PM
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Originally Posted by mrvster View Post
its these discussions which help us understand the monster a little better....Barry, Jay, Sean, Ryan, Ted , Pat , Michael and the others who have posted. great to read your insight and kind words......uzits are a misunderstood animal
Johnny, I feel like we had this same discussion a couple weeks ago in the best t206s to invest in. I feel that Uzits are under valued when you can buy them ~2k and Drums are ~5k. They point was made that there are more known subjects with Drum backs. I asked what about Uzits with pop 3 or under and got no response. There are some Uzits that have larger pops, but when you can pick up an Uzit for 40% of a Drum and they have the same pop, these cards could easily double or more in the next few years, in my opinion.
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