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Old 09-08-2018, 07:22 PM
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Patrick N.
Join Date: Sep 2009
Location: Pittsburgh
Posts: 3,909
Default PLEASE don't EVER do this to someone at the card shop/cards show......(i.e. ZIP IT)

So I'm at one of my favorite LCS today picking out a few cards for personal collection but also resale purposes. We have a pretty good report over the years and while his prices are usually HIGH END retail he and I have come to an understanding that I don't pay those prices, so long as I buy a larger lot of cards. I typically pick up some off-grade stuff, random miscuts, etc. and so it is in his best interest and mine to come up with a price that works for both us....and for the most part it usually works out.

Anyway, today I had my usual pile of this stuff and as he is flipping through them considering my offer this LOUDMOUTH regular watching the transaction decides to have diarrhea of the mouth and run his mouth on and on about how TOUGH the '61 high numbers I have picked out are to get, especially compared to the '62s, etc. and a couple other pearls of wisdom. Anyway, by the end of the deal, my shop owner buddy needless to say seem slightly disappointed with my offer price, probably in part by HOW TOUGH THESE 61 HIGH NUMBERS were according to the jabber-jaw in the peanut gallery...

Am I right to be upset? I shot an ugly luck towards the blabber-mouth but also wanted to give a swift kick to the cajones.... Am I overreacting????
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