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Old 09-03-2018, 05:47 PM
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Bob Andrews
Join Date: Jun 2011
Location: Houston Tx Area
Posts: 1,375

Not in baseball or hockey. I've been an Orioles and NYRangers fan in those sports since I was a little kid in the late 50s. I grew up a Baltimore Colts fan though. They were my life actually. Until, of course, they bailed in 1983. After that I 'test drove' a couple of teams. First, the Oilers (I had season tickets for a while), and then I followed the Ravens for a year but they were just another stolen team so I let them go. Finally, the Texans were born here in Houston and I got in on the ground floor. Bought season tix the day they went on sale and have been a fan ever since.
People are crazy and times are strange, I used to care but things have changed -Dylan
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