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Old 07-03-2018, 01:14 PM
Donscards Donscards is offline
Don Hontz
Join Date: Dec 2010
Location: Portland, Maine
Posts: 2,312

I set up at the National and shows on the East Coast---I only take Cash, Paypal and checks from people I know or with Good references. I do lose some sales, but the same card will sell at a later date. I do have many high priced cards and trust me, buyers do bring a lot of cash. Many dealers will take up to 50K in cash . I do get stopped at the airport, not for the cash, but for the encapsulated cards that cause an alert for some reason. I then have to explain what I have and that I am selling them at a show. Cash is still King and I don't know of any guys that have been robbed at the National due to cash (other than cards being stolen from showcases)
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