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Old 06-26-2018, 02:41 PM
BobC BobC is online now
Bob C.
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Ohio
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Originally Posted by tschock View Post
OK. I believe he disagreed with my statement "This will put undue burden more on small businesses rather than larger ones." (but will have to let him respond). But I believe I see now where this coming from.

I think what you are saying is that this new 'mess' might be addressed by someone creating software to handle it (or possibly a coordinated effort to make this 'simpler' for businesses to handle). I can buy that as a possibility, but I would still have a 'wait and see' attitude regardless. Does Turbo Tax make filing taxes simpler? Yes. Does the (generally speaking) government action necessitate the reason for something like Turbo Tax in the first place? That proof is left to the student.
Turbo Tax is basically for income taxes, not for sales and use taxes. Usually the individual companies/sellers have to keep track of their sales tax collections and such themselves, and the various business software products they use will assist them in the calculation and billing and record keeping for sales taxes purposes. But they are still usually responsible for the filing and remittance of the sales tax returns themselves. Not sure there is a software out there right now that can also file for you in every state. I know for example that some states, like Ohio, have their own website that requires you to go onto their platform and site to report and pay your sales tax. They don't allow you to file and pay any other way.

If this new change to the law goes through and makes it where more sellers are now going to be responsible for collecting and remitting multi-state sales taxes, that may increase the number of users of such software to the point someone will figure they can now make money off it and develop such a product.
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