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Old 06-05-2018, 09:16 PM
Kenmarks Kenmarks is online now
Ken Marks
Join Date: Jun 2014
Location: California
Posts: 126
Default 1962 Jell-Os

Hey Brian. Hope that A/C problem gets fixed. Always goes out in the summer, huh.

Related to 62 Jell-O research, that continues for me. Maybe five years ago, Dan and myself started a 1962 Jell-O set effort trying to build a listing of the various flavors that players appeared on ... since there was no manufacturer's listing known in the hobby. During that next year (with Dan doing most of the heavy lifting), a listing of players who had been identified as appearing on a specific flavor of Jell-O was produced. Dan published that listing in maybe 2014, and it can be found on this Net54 website and also another one. Forget the name of the other website, but it is not hard to find.

Since that time, Dan's time has been extremely limited given all his various ministerial work that he does. Just a matter of priorities for him and sportscards rightly are not at the top of heap. But I have continued the effort and probably added maybe another 100 entries to the player/flavor chart. Beyond that, have put work in on trying to understand the promotion itself. For example, it seems certain to me that every player appeared on at least one Jell-O Gelatin flavor box. In addition to that, I believe that 72 players appeared on at least one Jell-O Pudding flavor box (I have identified 68 players to date, but am pretty confident there are 72). As probably obvious, players that also appeared on pudding boxes are not tough to find if working on a set ... with a lot of them being stars. Have also built a listing of the 20 toughest players to acquire in the set (and circulated the listing through to hobby to other collector friends of this set for validation). Additionally have been trying to build a listing of exactly the Jell-O gelatin flavors that had cards appearing on them in the set ... including size of the box too. Finally the other thing that comes to mind is the development of a possible explanation of why the three players were completely left out of the set while appearing in both the American and Canadian Post Cereal sets (Brooks Robinson, Kluszewski, and Burgess) and one other star player (Colavito) was substituted for a journeyman player in the set. While this could be because of contracting issues as sometimes suggested, it also appears to me to perhaps have been an intentional change.

I guess bottom-line, will say progress is slow for a number of reasons, especially lack of documentation and just general limited availability of cards. But will continue on when I find collectors such as yourself who are able contribute valuable data. This probably has goon too long so will say good night and hope things continue well with you.
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